
部门 of Mathematical and Physical 科学


The 部门 of Mathematical and Physical 科学 (MAPS) is the largest division on campus, consisting of the departments of Chemistry, 数学, Physics and Computer Science, and the Dual Degree Engineering Program. It offers many programs of study, research opportunities, professional training and service-learning activities, and provides a pathway for students towards successful scientific and health-profession careers (in medicine, 药店, 数学, 计算机科学, 物理, 生物化学, 和化学). With over 50 faculty members and 700 students, MAPS students can always count on faculty and peer mentoring and support. All departments in the 部门 are located in close proximity in the Norman C. Francis Science Building, 提供师资力量, 工作人员, and students many opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations and interactions.

The 部门 is committed to providing students with a high-quality education that prepares them for success in their chosen careers. The 部门's faculty are world-renowned experts in their fields, and they are dedicated to teaching and mentoring students. The 部门 also offers a variety of research opportunities, which allow students to gain hands-on experience in their chosen field. 除了, the 部门 offers a variety of professional training and service-learning activities, which help students develop the skills they need to be successful in their careers.

Whats happening on 校园

From blockbuster-worthy tornadoes to the relentless force of Category five hurricanes and the unexpected plot twist of a global pandemic, the script of reality seems straight out of Hollywood. 然而,, in the halls of academia and amidst the bustling energy of college life, the need for preparedness could not be more real. Despite these challenges, Xavier remains steadfast in its motto: “Fear Nothing. 奋力向前.“现在, with Maxwell Milam joining the Xavier 大学警察 Department (XUPD) as their Emergency Management Coordinator, the institution stands better prepared than ever to live up to this creed.

教师 & 工作人员

The Xavier University Art Collection and Gallery recently celebrated a significant milestone as it secured a prestigious 2024 Emergency Mitigation and Disaster Preparedness Grant from the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities (LEH). As the university prepares to celebrate its first century of service in 2025, the grant represents a pivotal step in fortifying Xavier’s ability to safeguard its invaluable collection against potential threats such as natural disasters.

社区参与, 艺术 & 科学

Two Xavier University of Louisiana students, as prime examples of the institution’s near 100 years of excellence, were recently accepted into the accepted into the Public Policy & International Affairs Program (PPIA) Junior Summer Institute (JSI).Juniors Jamya Davis and Kadence Means were selected as fellows from a pool of 1300 competitive applicants to attend the six-week rigorous summer program at one of six host campuses. The foundation of the PPIA Fellowship, the JSI experience builds knowledge in economics, 统计数据, 国内 & international policy studies, and leadership topics. The program prepares students for advanced schooling and careers in public service in both 国内 and global affairs. Embodiments of the Xavier mission to promote a more just and humane society, both Means and Davis were selected for the fellowship for their merit as well as their “previous, 当前的, and stated dedication to public service.”

学者, Educational Leadership, 研究中, 学生生活, 社区参与